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Weekend Rundown

Friday is once again upon us, and you know what that means, its time for the weekend rundown.

Friday 06/26/2020

Free Yoga in the Garden 12 PM – 1 PM Free gentle yoga in the garden, taught by yoga instructor, Joan Hendrickson. Enjoy the beautiful creekside setting, and living things growing all around. Children welcomed.

Martin Black Horsemanship, Stockmanship & Ranch Roping Three full days with horsemanship in the morning and cattle working/ranch roping in the afternoon. No more than 10 people in the class so that everyone can get individual attention. Class is $750 per rider/horse combo and $25 a day for auditors. Horse boarding is available here at no extra charge, we have grass hay available. We do have space for dry camping here, there are a couple of people that will be staying in their living quarters trailers. Lunch will be provided, breakfast and dinner is on you.

Break The COVID Silence with music in the park. Starts at 6 PM this is a free concert. Music by Billy Christensen, Mark Duggleby, Wally Cogdon, River Dulisio, Verna Love, Keri Wendt, Tom McEldry, and Steve Ingram see you there tonight at the Jaycee park.

Saturday 06/27/2020

Class 42 graduation live stream starts at 10 am Cheer on the cadets of Class 42 as they graduate from Montana Youth Challenge Academy!

Build the trail system you use! 9 AM – 12 PM This Saturday, June 27th at 9am, we need volunteers to build the Cliff Trail re-route. Please see the attachment for maps. The re-route is about 500 feet long, so with enough volunteers, it can be done efficiently! It would involve clearing some sagebrush and digging the path. Our partner, the Beaverhead-Deerlodge Forest Service, will loan us some digging tools. Please bring some shears or other pruning tools if you can.

If we receive enough volunteers, a second team will head to the NW Passage Trail to set-up the trail markers across the valley. This project will involve setting T-posts at each marker, so the cows do not knock them down anymore.

Please RSVP to, so I know how many digging tools to borrow, and how many people to expect.

Also, bring good shoes and clothing, gloves, a hat, a water bottle...

We will have water jugs to refill your bottles at the trailhead.

Rockhounds Anonymous Exploratory Meeting If anyone is interested in group trips to visit rock piles, geological sites or old mines please come to our exploratory meeting at the African oasis on Saturday, June 27 at 3 PM.

King Friday at H Bar J Saloon in Wise River! 7 PM – 10 PM Take the beautiful drive to Wise River, grab a bite to eat and dance to the music of King Friday!

Live music at Yesterday’s by Rachel and Ramona Potter Starts at 8 PM at Yesterdays Calf- A in Dell, Montana

As always, if you have an event and you want it on our activities calendar or in weekend rundown, contact us at This is a free service we offer to get the word out. Don't forget the firework stands are open, check with your local regulations to see when you can light them off. Playing this week at Big Sky Cinema is Back to the Future, Despicable Me, and Back to the Future Part II.The Butte Drive in is open as well.

If you want to avoid this heat and get away to the mountains, stop by Rocky Mountain Supply and get all your outdoor gear and supplies before heading out.


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