TRAIL CREEK FIRE: Size 56,743 Acres 50% Containment
Over the next few days, firefighters will continue to look for more opportunities to go direct and improve containment lines. The northwest corner of the fire is also being prepared for a potential backburn this weekend. Once lit, the backburn will slowly back into the main, securing that section of line. Engine crews will patrol the north side containment lines and mop up any hot spots. Structure protection remains in place, monitoring fire behavior and evaluating structures.

ALDER CREEK FIRE: Size 35,412 Acres 45% Containment
The Alder Creek fire continues to be active in the Sawlog creek and Calvert Hill areas. Crews are using natural control features to prepare and construct indirect line on the north side of the fire. Firefighters will stay in the area throughout the day, monitoring and evaluating structures and mopping up any hot spots. In areas where fire activity has slowed, crews start to shift their focus to line repair and rehabilitation on the eastern edge of the fire. Crews are working with heavy equipment to remove hazard trees and clean up down trees and brush. In addition, crews will start removing hose lays and pumps that are no longer being used and
start sending them back to the National Cache for cleaning and made available for other fires.

SAND LAKE FIRE: Size 228 Acres 0% Containment
Growth and fire activity on the Sand Lake fire has been minimal. The fire is in a remote area and will continue to be monitored by air resources.
The public can expect to see smoke coming from the interior pockets of the fire line until the area receives considerable precipitation or moisture. Firefighters attack the fire directly where it is safe to do so and engage indirectly in areas where it is too steep or dangerous.

The dry cold front will move into the fire area today, bringing gusty winds, warmer temperatures, and low relative humidity. Fire activity could increase throughout the week with the passing dry cold front.
U.S. Route 93, Highway 43 (Chief Joseph Pass to Wise River), and the Pioneer Scenic Byway
are OPEN to through traffic. Watch for trees, rocks, and critters on the roadways. Travel with caution and remember school has started in the local communities and hunting season is ongoing.

Portions of the Continental Divide Trail remain closed. The Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice. May Creek Campground and Steel Creek Campground are closed.
Closure orders remain in effect on the Salmon-Challis National Forests, the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, and the Bureau of Land Management. View the updated closure orders on the respective agency websites and the fires' Inciweb pages.
