Greetings Southwest Montana it’s with a bittersweet, but also honored feeling
that, I delivered my farewell speech, from the Senate floor on the last day of the
2023 session, although I will continue serve in the capacity as your Senator until
Dec 31, 2024 which only then, will complete my sixteen years of service.

It’s a long tradition to deliver a farewell address, from the Senate Chamber, by
The Members who are forced from returning, due to term limits.
At this point, I'm one of only three current Senate members who have served all
16 years of service consecutively.
Thank you for the opportunity, as I approach the end of my tenure. Some have
asked me to consider once again running for the House, as I’m now eligible to
do. I've also been encouraged to run for state wide office, or step into a role in in
the natural resources or trade policy arena, time will tell, and I'm grateful for the
I'm happy to be home in Dillon, where I can finally give my family, and my
business the attention that both deserve, while I decide on what is next for me in
the public policy arena.
For now, I will continue to serve out my term as your Senator, and please know
I’ve had a good run.
Again, Many Thanks for the opportunity.
Your Senator;
Jeff Welborn - Montana’s 36th District
