Dillon Friends of the Library & Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Fraud. Sadly fraud happens and when it happens to a non-profit it can be costly. The Dillon Friends of the Library has a mission and that mission is to cooperate with and support the Dillon Public Library. The Dillon Friends will raise funds: receive and encourage gifts, endowment and bequests; and disperse funds that are directly beneficial to the library’s patrons, and to the operation of the Friends.

The Dillon Friends of the Library sponsor the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Beaverhead County. This program is worldwide and provides free books for children from birth to the age of 5. The books are free for the child but the sponsoring organization is billed $25.00 per year per child for the shipping costs.
The guidelines for the program are simple. A child residing in Beaverhead County aged five or under qualifies for the Imagination Library. Note, the child MUST live in Beaverhead County. As a grandparent, Aunt, or friend living in Beaverhead County you do not qualify. You should not sign up a child using your address with the intent to then ship the book out of Beaverhead County. Daycares also cannot sign up the children in their care using the daycare address to receive the books. Please do not change the child’s date of birth in order to get the books, please do not sign up the child prior to their birthdate. The books are geared for the specific age of the child and as the child grows the books advance with them.

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a wonderful program that benefits children. The Friends of the Library is proud to offer this service in Beaverhead County. We have wonderful benefactors that help with the funding: including the Beaverhead United Way, Shakespeare Book Club, Dillon Elks Club, Private Donors, Great Harvest and the members of the Dillon Friends of the Library. Currently there are 187 children registered in Beaverhead County with 111 that have graduated from the program since its inception in 2018.

At this time we are auditing the recipients of the books, verifying the information provided and in some cases we will be calling to get confirmation. We understand that there may be confusion regarding the process and welcome your questions regarding this matter. You can call the library at 683-4544 or Debbie at 683-6807.
You can also call the above numbers if you are interested in becoming a member of the Dillon Friends of the Library or would like to donate funds.
