On Friday the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved new brown trout regulations for the Big Hole and Beaverhead rivers effective immediately.

The regulations are an effort to help preserve existing brown trout in the two rivers in which populations have declined during recent years.
On the Big Hole River, the new regulations are for catch and release only for brown trout from Dickie Bridge to the mouth of the river near Twin Bridges. The regulations also include a seasonal closure between the Bureau of Land Management Maiden Rock site and Browns Bridge Fishing Access Site from Nov. 1 until the third Saturday in May.

The new regulations also call for artificial lures and single hooks only from Dickie Bridge to the mouth near Twin Bridges. This would mean no double or treble hooks allowed.
On the Beaverhead River, brown trout would be catch and release only for the entire river with only artificial lures and single hooks.

From Clark Canyon Dam to Pipe Organ Bridge, the river would be closed from Nov. 1 until the third Saturday in May. Again, these regulations are in effect immediately.
For more information, look online at fwp.mt.gov/fish