Dillon, Montana – The Southwest Montana Friends of NRA plan to hold a banquet on Saturday, April 29th with a social beginning at 5 pm at UM Western Keltz Arena on South Atlantic St. Tickets may be purchased at the Bitterroot Trading Post, Rocky Mountain Supply, 3-D Store, or from any committee member. For Information or to request tickets call 406-925-1871. Sponsorship Opportunities are available beginning with the Legacy Level of $400.

Friends of NRA is a key grassroots event that supports thousands of community service activities related to firearm education, hunter safety, wildlife conservation, range improvements, youth marksmanship, and law enforcement among others. Working with NRA field representatives, the members and volunteers organize banquets in their communities, complete with auctions, special drawings and fellowship. Much of the merchandise at the banquets is donated or provided at reduced cost by hundreds of participating vendors.
Friends of NRA is an exciting grassroots fund raising program run by people from all walks of life. At a Friends of NRA banquet, you’ll meet fire chiefs, engineers, shopkeepers, police officers and teachers: all mainstream citizens working together to support an important cause
in preserving our rights and heritage.

Half of the money raised by each Friends of NRA banquet will be spent in the state in which it was held. The other half supports qualifying national-level programs like the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, Women On Target, and other educational and safety services. State Fund Committees made up of volunteers review grant applications from local organizations and make recommendations to The NRA Foundation on how the money might best be used in their areas. For more information about Friends of NRA, visit www.friendsofnra.org.
Established in 1990, The NRA Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that
raises tax-deductible contributions in support of a wide range of firearm-related public
interest activities of the National Rifle Association of America and other organizations that
defend and foster the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. These activities are designed to promote firearm and hunting safety, to enhance marksmanship skills of those participating in the shooting sports, and to educate the general public about firearms
in their historic, technological, and artistic context. More information about The NRA
Foundation can be found online at www.nrafoundation.org, or by calling (800) 423-6894.
For more information contact Treasurer Joan at 406-925-1871.
