Fisheries staff at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks are seeking comments on a proposal to construct a fish barrier on Reservoir Creek near Dillon. This project would help protect a genetically pure population of westslope cutthroat trout from non-native trout.
Reservoir creek is one of eight streams within the Beaverhead watershed that still supports an unaltered westslope cutthroat trout population. However, the population is only seasonally protected from non-native trout downstream. This proposal includes constructing a wooden barrier that would protect more than 5 stream miles of habitat for native trout.
Once protected, westslope cutthroats in Reservoir Creek could be used to repopulate future fisheries projects, which would help restore the species to more of its historical range. Today, westslope cutthroat trout in the upper Missouri River basin occupy approximately 5 percent of their historical habitat.
A draft environmental assessment has been prepared for this project. To view the assessment, visit
The deadline for comments is 5 p.m. on March 12. Comments can be emailed to native fish biologist Ryan Kreiner at or mailed to:
Ryan Kreiner
730 ½ Montana St.
Dillon, MT 59725