During a meeting this morning with Incident Managers, representatives from the DNRC, Forest
Service representative and the Sheriff’s Office the evacuation status in the Alder creek area was discussed at length. The results of that conversation determined that the Evacuation Status for all of the area involved will remain unchanged.
They are as follows:
Stage 1-Highway 43 from Mile Marker 35 to the County Line at Mile Marker 41.5. This includes the residents on Doolittle Creek Road and North Doolittle Creek Road.
Stage 1-Alder Creek drainage
Stage 1- Southside of Hwy 43 from Alder Creek Road to MM62
Stage 2- Southside of Hwy 43 from Alder Creek Road to Dickie Bridge
Stage 2- Westside of the Scenic Byway from the Wisdom Airport to Harriette Lou Road
Please remember that all of Beaverhead County is under Stage 2 fire restrictions