Dillon Volunteer Fire Department responded to 19 calls for service during the month of
July 2022.

07/01 Smith Rd Smoke alarm
07/01 Hwy 278 MM 5 Hay bale fire
07/06 W. Center St Smoke alarm
07/09 Idaho St & Helena St MVA
07/11 N. Montana St Fire alarm
07/12 W. Center St Gas line strike
07/12 I-15 MM 84 Vehicle fire
07/12 Dell (Mutual Aid) Structure fire
07/13 Clark’s Lookout Rd MVA
07/14 N. Pacific St Vehicle vs pedestrian
07/15 Hwy 41 MM 12 MVA
07/19 I-15 MM 58 MVA
07/19 Hwy 91 N Haystack fire
07/20 Southwind Ln Gas odor
07/21 S. Washington St Gas odor
07/21 Arabian Ln Baler fire
07/24 I-15 MM 65 MVA
07/27 I-15 MM 79 Vehicle vs moose
07/29 I-15 MM 55 MVA

The members of the DVFD conducted the annual hose testing of the hoses on our pumper
trucks. We divided into companies and tested all the hoses for ISO compliance.
We had 2 members complete Naloxone training & will be training the rest of the
members on it in the coming months.
