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Dillon to Get a New 4 Legged Addition to The Police Force.

At last nights City Council meeting Chief of Police Don Guiberson announced the Dillon Police department will be hiring a new officer. Only this one will have four legs and the ability to smell drugs and track people.

Chief Guiberson, explained that the city police have a drug fund, this funding comes from seizures, court cost, and donations. They had been looking at a police dog but he was not keen on the idea. The main deterrent was he did not want a "bite dog." This would be the type of canine you see on tv when they release a dog to take down a suspect. They started looking at some of the kennels and trainers that offer police dogs, but could not find a match for what he wanted. They started to work with a local Montana trainer and fellow police officer, who contacted the Dillon Police to let them know they had a dog, who was not interested in biting, due to a broken canine tooth. The dog passed all other requirements but due to the broken canine it would not work as a bite dog. An average police dog with training can run upwards of $20,000 dollars. The owner of this canine lives in North Carolina and would rather see the dog be used, instead of having to come to Montana and get the animal. The only cost to the police department would be to pay for the training of the dog which was $5,000.

Officer Rumsey who will be the dogs handle, then talked to local groups and organizations and was able to get a donation of $3,500 from the Beaverhead Foundation, as well as local vets and other citizens who have donated for care and food for the dog.

Officer Rumsey will go through training the second week in April and the police department will be welcoming Mac the newest officer to the police force.

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