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Beaverhead Search and Rescue Meeting News

The Beaverhead Search and Rescue held its monthly meeting on August 4, 2021. The general meeting was called to order by commander Lawrence Morrisroe at 7:05 PM. There were 19 members in attendance with no guests present. Those in attendance were: Alan Holt, Alex Dunn, Brad Wagner, Brian Vinson, Chuck Maddox, Clint Rouse, Cody Schnee, Dan Cahill, Dustin Crowe, Jason Erickson, John Helle, Kolby Malesich, Mark Smith, Mel Rice, Nathan Freeman, Tara Remely, Trent Cottom, and Wade Bush.

The first order of business was to accept the resignation of Lindsey Erickson. Lindsey has been a very active and integral part of the BVHD S&R organization since 2016. She has always been willing to help out where ever needed. She participated on the Carter search on the west side of the Big Hole before ever becoming a member. That event influenced her to become a member. Thank you, Lindsey, for your dedicated service to the unit. If you see Lindsey, please thank her for doing all the things she did.

Next order of business was a recap of the Cherry Creek rescue. Members participating on the rescue did an excellent job. Response time was great and it was very advantageous for the unit and victim to have member Doctor Mike Clark responding on the first hasty team. The victim was secured, packaged, provided medication, and transported in good shape.

Commander Morrisroe reported to the members that Tara Remely and Tom McKnight have been doing security duties for the Sheriff’s department in the Alder Creek area. Sheriff Paul Craft requested assistance from members of his search and rescue unit to protect the property of those individuals having to be evacuated. As the fire recedes from that immediate area and with the help of some wet weather, those evacuated individuals will hopefully be able to return to their properties. He also reported there is a possibility of the B-D National Forest moving back to stage one fire restrictions from the stage 2 restrictions we’ve been under.

This past week the fire officials were putting together emergency protocols for their fire fighters’ security and asked if the BVHD Search and Rescue would be able to offer assistance in man power and equipment if they needed assistance in things like water rescue and high/low angle recovery of injured individuals. We were able to say yes to the swift water rescue assistance but no to the high/low angle assistance due to antiquated equipment.

Thanks to the efforts of training officer Nathan Freeman and authorization by the membership, the S&R unit just purchased new swift water rescue equipment. The request by the FS perpetuated the authorization to purchase new climbing equipment for the low and high angle rescues. Alex Dunn, Brad Wagner, and Nathan Freeman will oversee the purchase of this equipment. Member Chuck Maddox was instrumental in securing two snowmobiles from government surplus properties out in Washington. The only cost to the unit was $600 for shipping.

The Beaverhead SAR unit has been trying to get new communication equipment for the past several months. This equipment includes mobile radios, hand held radios for members in the field, a portable repeater, and a new repeater for Red Mountain. All of these things will enhance our ability to keep in communication with our people in the mountains on searches/rescues. Authorization was approved by the membership for Brad Wagner, communications officer, to make these purchases.

Your Beaverhead Search and Rescue, “In the Business of Saving Lives”.

Submitted by Mel Rice: Public Relations Officer

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