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Alder Creek, Trail Creek, Christensen, and Black Mountain Fire Update August 15, 2021

Alder Creek

Size: 13,011 Acres

Containment: 10%

Location: 7 miles west of Wise River, MT

Start Date: July 8, 2021

Cause: Unknown

Total personnel: 279

Alder Creek Fire: Active fire was reported in the interior of the fire creating additional smoke in the vicinity. Smoky conditions shaded fuels in the fire area reducing fire activity. Fire growth was seen around Deno Creek with fire topping Stein Ridge. Crews will work on contingency lines along the northwest side of the fire near Bryant Creek as fire movement there has been slowed due to light fuels.

Trail Creek

Size: 37,412 Acres

Containment: 26%

Location: 20 miles west of Wisdom, MT

Start Date: July 8, 2021

Cause: Lightning

Total personnel: 228

Trail Creek Fire: Fuels continue to burn in the interior of the fire which will produce more smoke pushing across the area. The fire remains active on the northeast side of the fire near Big Hole Battlefield and on the southwest side near Three Mile Creek. Fire movement along Three Mile Ridge remained on the East side of the ridge. Active fire is slowly moving through grass and sage near Salix Creek drainage but remains manageable. Crews have added handline tying in roads to containment lines in the Rat Creek area. Patrols and monitoring continue across the fire.


Size: 10,196 Acres

Containment: 10%

Location: 12 miles west of Wise River, MT

Start Date: July 16, 2021

Cause: Unknown

Total personnel: 49

Christensen Fire: Crews continued constructing handlines on the northwest side of the fire. Smoke created limited visibility and reduced aircraft operations to a few morning water drops. Resources continue to monitor the Trident Peak area as the fire moved toward Sawlog drainage. Work will continue improving contingency lines in the Calvert Hill area. Crews are placed strategically to monitor fire behavior and to respond as necessary.

Black Mountain

Size: 1,041 Acres

Containment: 75%

Location: 13 miles south of Jackson, MT

Start Date: July 17, 2021

Cause: Lightning

Total personnel: 14

Black Mountain Fire: No additional fire activity has been reported. Contingency lines are complete should the situation change. Crews utilized chippers to clean up three miles of excess debris produced from road improvements near Forest Service Road 7335 and continue to patrol and monitor the area.

Fire Weather Today: Today’s weather pattern remains similar to recent days with temperatures in the low to mid 80s with minimum relative humidity in the mid to high teens, and West-Northwest winds at 8 to 10 mph with gusts of 15 to 20mph. Winds are expected to be predominantly terrain driven.

Major Closures:

-Hwy 43 and Pioneer Byway remain open. Motorists are asked to slow down and be on the alert for firefighters, heavy smoke, and downed trees. Please check the Montana DOT Road Report website for current conditions.

-Continental Divide Trail: Closed from Lemhi Pass north to Mussigbrod Creek.

-Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice. North and South VanHouten, Miner Lakes, Twin Lakes, May Creek and Divide Bridge Campgrounds are closed.

-Forest Closure orders are in effect for all three fires

Evacuations: Stage 1 evacuation on Highway 43 from Mile Marker 35 to the County Line at Mile Marker 41.5. This includes the residents of Doolittle Creek Road and North Doolittle Creek Road. Southside of Highway 43 from Alder Creek Road to Dickie Bridge. Westside of the Scenic Byway from the Wisdom Airport to Harriette Lou Road. All evacuation statuses have been removed in Alder Creek drainage and Southside of Highway 43 from Alder Creek Road to Mile Marker 62. Lemhi County Sheriff has contacted residences in threatened areas on the west side of the Trail Creek Fire in Idaho and placed in “Set” evacuation status. Info: 208- 756-8980.

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