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Alder Creek, Trail Creek, And Christensen Fires


Location: 20 miles West of Wisdom

Star t date: July 8, 2021

Size: 39,243 acres (IR mapping)

Percent Contained: 26%

Cause: Lightning

Total personnel: 192


Crews plan to start clearing the fire debris from the Highway 43 corridor today,

during the Montana DOT closure of the highway for bridge repairs through Friday

morning. Two Type 2 Initial Attack crews will begin constructing line along the

western boundary of the fire from the Continental Divide, northeast into May

Creek. This line will help slow the fire's forward progression in the area.

Firefighters continue to "mop-up" residual heat along the fire's perimeter and

closely monitor interior and perimeter hot spots. Should the projected drying trend

bring an increase in fire activity, the preventative work implemented by fire crews

will strengthen containment lines and decrease the probability of spread. Crews

will continue to maintain structure protection measures (water-handling

equipment like pumps, hose, and sprinklers) in the Gibbonsville areas.

Crews continue to work on a suppression repair plan in consultation with Tribal

officials and representatives from the National Park Service, Big Hole Battlefield.


Location: 7 miles west of Wise River

Star t date: July 8, 2021

Size: 14,066 acres (IR mapping)

Percent Contained: 15%

Cause: Unknown

Total personnel: 109


The recent rain provided a much needed increase in fuel moisture, creating a lull

in activity. Suppression actions will be to work the fire where accessible to help

prevent the fire from impacting private property. Crews will continue structure

protection and look for opportunities to keep the fire from south of the Big Hole

River. Crews will proceed with patrol, monitor, and mop-up operations, as heavy

fuels remain a concern with continued drying trend this week. Log removal and

chipping operations will progress as weather and safety permits.


Location:12 miles west of Wise River

Star t date: July 16, 2021

Size: 11,089 acres (IR mapping)

Percent Contained: 15%

Cause: Unknown

Total personnel: 19


Crews continue to monitor the threat to primary residences and agricultural

infrastructure along Highway 43 north of the Christensen Fire. The Sawlog Creek

area will be monitored closely in anticipation of drying fuels and potential

increased fire activity.


Temperatures over the fire yesterday were in the mid to high 60s with a minimum

relative humidity around 30% and winds up to 25 mph. RH recovery last night was

approximately 50%. We will continue to see a drying trend emerge from the


Today, southwesterly winds are expected to average 15 mph with gusts around

30 mph. Temperatures are predicted to be in the upper 60s to low 70s with

minimum relative humidity in the 20% range. Southwest winds will carry in smoke

from northern California, increasing the smoke cover in the area. The warming

and drying trend is projected into Tuesday and Wednesday, with precipitation and

cloud coverage moving in later in the week.


The Continental Divide Trail is closed from Rock Creek to Mussigbrod Creek.

The Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice.

Campground Closures: May Creek

Forest Closure orders are in effect on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and Salmon-

Challis National Forests.

Road Closure: Montana DOT will close Highway 43 from Wisdom to mile

marker 7.5 for bridge repairs. The closure is in effect from 6 a.m. on Monday,

August 23 until 6 a.m. on Friday, August 27.

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