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Zoning Commission Meeting (Cancelled)

Tuesday December 12th, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
Regular Meeting Agenda

1. Call To Order

2. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the November 28th, 2023 Public

Hearing and November 28th, 2023 Regular Meeting

3. Director of Operations Report

a. Public Comment will be taken after discussion of items 4, 5, 6 and 7 by the Zoning

Commission; followed by final discussion by the zoning commission; and final vote by

the commission if necessary.

4. Applications for Zoning Compliance Certificates for Review:

5. Discussion/Recommendation of the Striking of 17.64.30(b) of Chapter 17 of

the Dillon Municipal Codes

6. Update of the Clover View Minor Subdivision

7. Update of the Zoning and Annexation of Athletic Field at the University of

Montana Western. Proposed Public Hearing for January 9 th , 2024 at 6:45

8. Discussion of Fred Nelson Request

9. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on the Agenda

and Within the Jurisdiction of the Zoning Commission.

10. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: A Zoom link is available. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528,

allowing permission for mic and camera (if using a computer go to and use Passcode 4245.

Zoning Commission Members: Tim Stoker, Raymond Graham, Russ Schwandt; Mike

Watson, Justin Rooley

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