Updated 06/28/2023 9:30 PM The mayor came forth and admitted the plant was his. Apparently he brought it to City Hall after someone stated he couldn't grow one. In his own words "I just forgot about it." But apparently from witnesses it was a well taken care of plant.
My Dillon Police Department received a very unusual call on June 20 for a plant found above City Hall. As the Dillon Jaycee’s were preparing the upstairs for the new meeting space, they came across a Marijuana plant in the upstairs of City Hall.

According to the Dillon Police Department press release on June 20, 2023, at approximately 7:05pm, the Dillon Police received a complaint about a marijuana plant growing in the ballroom located upstairs at City Hall.
Dillon Police requested assistance from the Department of Criminal Investigations. The case is under investigation to determine if any criminal charges will be perused.

After the City Council voted to not allow the sale of recreational marijuana in city limits someone seems to have been using the upstairs as a personal grow room. Yes, it is legal in Montana to have a marijuana plant for personal use, but what about the legal issues on growing marijuana on property owned by the city? This is a developing story and we will have more information as it becomes available.
