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Weeks Festivities Leading Up To Christmas Stroll

Can it already be that time of the year? Lights are going up Thanksgiving has passed and it is time for the annual Dillon Christmas Stroll and Parade of Lights. We have all things happening this week leading up to the Christmas Stroll and things happening the weekend of the Christmas Stroll.

TRAIL OF BALES Christmas Decorating Contest Ends WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29TH, Voting on Facebook on the 30th and the Winner will be announced Friday, Dec. 1st on Facebook at 12 Noon!

Monday 11/27

It's time to "Deck the Hall" November 27 at 6:30pm. We need some strong folks to carry decorations up from the basement, and others to help Sharon Rice with decorating the Hall. Must be completed before November 29. Thanks for all your help.

Tuesday 11/28

Story Time at the Village The Early Childhood Coalition of Beaverhead County is pleased to partner with the Dillon Public Library to offer a second session of Books and Babies each week in the Village Playspace. Each week, we offer a FREE short story and singing program followed by free play in the playspace!

Thursday 11/30

Pilchuck Glass School Presentation Join us as the University of Montana Western's Glass Program hosts a presentation highlighting the experiences of two UMW students who recently studied at the renowned Pilchuck Glass School.

Students Heather Reedy and Gabriel Sommers received the Mary Baker Emerick scholarships to the Pilchuck Glass School in the summer of 2023 where they had the opportunity to work with some of the best instructors in glass in the world. The Pilchuck Glass School, located in Stanwood, Washington, stands as a global hub for glass art education, renowned for fostering creativity, innovation, and collaboration among artists from diverse backgrounds.

The presentations will be held on Thursday, November 30, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the UMW Emerick Art Studio located on the corner of Poindexter and Atlantic Street.

Heather and Gabriel will share their experiences in a detailed presentation and discussion that is free and open to public. A social and light refreshments will take place before the presentations.

For more information, please contact Special Events and Alumni Coordinator, Jolene Robbins: or 406-683-7303.

Bingo Cash Prizes CASH PRIZES!! Everyone over age 18 is invited to play Bingo every Thursday (except holidays) at 7pm.

The Dillon Elks approved changes to our Thursday night bingo games starting in October 2023. We hope the changes will help those who can’t make it right at 7pm, those who don’t want to play so many games, allow our players a chance to take breaks, make it more affordable, and give our volunteer callers a few breaks.

Bingo will start promptly at 7pm. Game card(s) are sold before each game. Buy as many as you like!

GAMES WE PLAY: 7:00 p.m. Single Games begin - $1/1 card 8:00 p.m. Midway Blackout - $1/2 cards Single Games continue - $1/1 card 8:45 p.m. Final Blackout - $2/6 cards

Please bring your own dauber if you have one. There will be some available to borrow or purchase. Come see our new electronic bingo machine!

The bar and lounge are also open at 5 p.m. on Thursdays.

Friday 12/1

Holly Jolly Time When you are strolling about getting in the Christmas� spirit, stop by Angler's & have a Cranberry Mimosa &

hors d'oeuvres to kick off the holiday�season. Starting Friday..we will be doing a drawing for 1 nights stay at Angler Village and also for our local "Reminisce" beef jerky�& "82 Coffee"�.It will be a Holly Jolly Time!

Mel Cheney Book Signing: "A Dog and her Man" Local author, Mel Cheney will be signing copies of his debut book, A Dog and Her Man: an Autobiography by Lilly the Dog on Friday, December 1st. Born in Dillon, Mel has lived most of his life in Beaverhead County. The book is told through the eyes of Lilly. She tells the reader about the life she shared with her best friend Mel and admits that she had a lot of help from him in bringing their story to print. Because he can write a lot faster it just made sense for him to take care of that part while told him what to say. Please join us during the annual Christmas Stroll. If you have any questions or would like to reserve copies of the book please call The Bookstore at (406) 683-6807

Beaverhead County Museum Nativity Scene Exhibit Community Nativity Scene Display!

The Beaverhead County Museum invites everyone to stop by during the Christmas Stroll on Friday December 1st beginning at 5 pm. There will be refreshments, discount on selected gift store items and a free ornament. The main museum will be open and free to the public.

Saturday 12/2

Breakfast with Santa Come down for the JCA’s annual Breakfast with Santa event at the Dillon Elks Lodge from 8 am to noon. Have some breakfast, make a craft and visit with Santa!

Christmas Craft Fair Soup and s Roll $6

Crafts, Gifts, Baked Goods, Jewelry,Wreaths. Ornaments, & More Contact Susan Rene Stoddard to sign up for a table. Proceeds go to Lima Bear Booster Club.

Melrose School Holiday Bazaar Melrose School Holiday Bazaar Saturday, December 2, 2023

9am to 3pm

Divide Grange Hall | Divide, MT

There will be vendors, food, and door prizes. This is a fundraiser for the Melrose Mothers' Club, and the money raised goes directly to benefit our students. In the past, the Mothers' Club has provided hot lunch, holiday parties, sport uniforms, field trips, etc. for our small school. We will be able to continue to fund these things with your help! Raffle tickets will be drawn throughout the duration of the bazaar. Need not be present to win!

Tickets are 6 for $5

Contact Kathy Chatriand 406-494-1409 or

I can pick up or give you my venmo on request.

Here is a small sample of some of the great items that have been donated by our local businesses. Additional Items Added Every day!

3D Store, American Flag Kit

Museum Thrift Store, Wine Rack and 2 bottles of wine

Town and Country Foods, $25 Gift card

Commerce Bank, Gift Basket

Rattlesnake Creek Alpacas, Gloves, socks and hat

Magic Diamond, Gift Basket

Klondike Bar & Restaurant, $25 Gift Card

Melrose Elementary School is the home of the Mustangs. Grades Early Kindergarten - 8th attend Melrose Elementary. The students benefit from the small classroom size and one-on-one teaching time.

Our Head Teacher is Mr. Thomas Ralston. We are very lucky to have this little school and hope you will see the benefit of helping our students so they may enjoy the same opportunities the children at larger schools have.

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