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Weekend Rundown

From art festivals to county fairs there's always something to do in Southwestern Montana. Lucky for you we have it all in one convenient place, this is your weekend rundown.

Thursday, 08/12/2021

Madison County Fair & Rodeo Madison County Fair & Rodeo

Theme: Buckles, Boots, & Rodeo Chutes Ranch Rodeo, NRA Rodeos, Team Roping, Vendors, Music, Beer Gardens, Entertainment, 4H/FFA Shows, and much more......


Starting May 27th, we will be hosting a classic car/motorcycle Cruise-In on main every Thursday throughout the summer. This year we will be changing it up a bit by offering season ending prizes for most attended, furthest travelled and most cars entered. The prizes will be awarded at the KENNY STEINER MEMORIAL on September 11th.

Come show off your classic cars or motorcycles and enjoy an evening in our beautiful town of Sheridan, MT. Even if you are interested in cars or just a passer-by, come hang with us! This is a free event to all. Our local Street Bazaar will be taking place at the same time! Please pass on the good word and we look forward to lining main street with some old time classics!

Bingo! Cash Prizes *NO ELKS MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED* The public is invited to play Bingo every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. ~Must be over age 18 to play.~

We play the following games:* • $10 for 10 games (3 cards each game) • $1 Midway Blackout (2 cards per sheet) • $2 Blackout (6 cards per sheet)

*Buy more game cards if you like! We will practice social distancing. Please bring your own dauber if you have one. There will be some available to borrow. Come see our new electronic bingo machine!

The bar and lounge are also open at 6 p.m. on Thursdays.

Friday, 08/13/2021

Reckless at The Star, Nevada City At The Star Restaurant music starts at 5 PM

Wild West Art Fest Mark your calendars for the best summer event of the year! Each day; Stroll the Boardwalks and VC Community Center for Excellent Art. Shop 10 am - 6 pm all 3 days!

Burgers & Bingo for Beaverhead Little League Burgers and Bingo for Beaverhead Little League. Please see the poster for more info.

LIVE MUSIC w/ Fan Mountain Frog Dogs Join us Friday for music from Left fer Dead at our tasting room in Ennis, MT. Left fer Dead are good ol' boys from Pony, MT known for country charm and character.

Rocky’s Roadhouse presents Willy James Come on down and enjoy the joy of live music in a great family atmosphere.

Saturday, 08/14/2021

Kid’s Day @ Bannack State Park This daylong event children will get to gold pan, compete in traditional Native American games, paint rocks, make a doll and much more!

Will Williams Willy James LIVE !! @ The Star music starts at 5 PM.

singer/songwriter currently living in Anaconda Montana. Born with a traveling soul in California, her love for music started early listening to her dad play guitar. When she was 12 years old she moved to Montana. Spending most of her time on her grandparents cattle ranch where her love of storytelling grew. Soon her dreams of horses led her to college in Wyoming and later to a horse ranch in Colorado. While in Colorado she joined the US Army. It was during this time when she started songwriting. After her enlistment she found herself back at a horse stable in Colorado and later to south Texas, training Border Patrol horses. When the contract was up she found work at a local live music venue where the passion of live music was built. Few more odd jobs and she was back in Montana. Not long after arriving health issues forced major life changes and music became more of an every day occurrence. Finally learning to play guitar has given her the ability to tell her story in a different light. With a wide range of musical influences from Johnny Cash to Miranda Lambert to CCR and Tracy Chapman just to name a few. Heartbreak songs tend to be her wheel house however her live shows are a mix between 90s hits, country covers and originals

Sunday, 08/15/2021

Dear Butte and KBMF Present : LIVE AT 5 Dear Butte and KBMF have partnered to bring live music to uptown each month this summer! The event is family friendly and BYOB! Join us at the Carpenters Union Hall June, July and August for some very special guest. Songwriting at it's finest. Show starts at 5pm, Donations encouraged.

Library Cabaret Fundraiser $40/person or $74/couple

Enjoy a catered dinner and a vaudeville performance by the Virginia City Players! Cigarette Girls will be selling raffle tickets and there will be silent auction items to bid on too, to raise money for the library's children's reading programs!

Lots of events going on this weekend, as always if you have an event you would like on the weekend rundown or our events calendar email us at If you are a business owner and you are reading this, so are your customers, and you could have your ad on our page for as little as $35/mo. best of all we will cap our advertisers at 100.

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