Good evening, this is Randy Shipman, Superintendent at Dillon Elementary School District #10 with an important message regarding an update to our mask policy here at school.
Starting tomorrow, per Governor Gianforte’s directive, we will have a change in our mask mandate here at school. The governor issued a directive on February 10th that went into effect on February 12th. In this executive order, Governor Gianforte has rescinded the mask mandate set in place by former Governor Bullock that we have been operating under since August 12th.

Therefore, the mask policy that was adopted at the regular scheduled school board meeting on August 11th will be followed. It states that masks are required for all staff members while teaching when social distancing of six feet cannot be maintained. For student’s, masks are strongly encouraged, but are not required for in person learning starting Monday, February 15, 2021. Social distancing measures, hand washing and cleaning/disinfecting will continue to be emphasized as well.
As it is critical to remain open and provide the benefits of in person instruction and provide key support services for our students, I have asked my staff and will ask our students to not become complacent regarding our mitigation strategies. We will continue to work hard in the areas of physical distancing, hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting, and in encouraging the use of masks. We will stay alert to students who exhibit symptoms and signs of Covid-19 at school and immediately send them to the office. We will continue to constantly remind students, and ourselves, that we need to stay home if we are sick. Additionally, the office will continue to assist county health in identifying close contacts here at school. Finally, adult visitors to the school will still be expected to wear masks while visiting our school and the signs explaining the requirements will remain on all entrance doors to the school.

As our district remains committed to maintaining timely and relevant communications with staff, families and the community, please contact the office if you have any questions. Please check our website at for any covid-19 updates. Just a reminder that all robo call transcripts can be found on our district school website and Facebook page.
Finally, thanks to all of our parents and guardians for making our school year a success thus far. Remaining open full time five days a week has been our goal from day one and I greatly appreciate your help with achieving that goal.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Mr. Shipman