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Planning Board Meeting

Thursday March 21st, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. 
City Council Chambers 
Planning Board Meeting 



  1. Call Meeting to Order 

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes from the December 7th, 2023 Meeting 

  1. Election of Officers 

  1. Review/Recommendation of the Clover View Subdivision  

  1. Update of the Love’s Project 

  1. Update of Tully Springs Subdivision  

  1. Discussion/Planning of Updating the Growth Policy 

  1. Discussion of Updating Subdivision Application 

  1. Update of Beaverhead County Planning Board Activities 

  1. Public Comment on items of significant public interest not on the agenda and within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. 

  1. Adjournment 



Zoom link is available. Join the meeting with Zoom ID: 770-316-6528,  allowing permission for mic and camera (if using a computer go to and use Passcode 4245. 



Planning Board Members: Don Hand, Bill Shafer, Larry Volkening, Dan Nye, Ed Mooney 

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