Barrett Hospital & HealthCare’s Board of Directors would like to emphasize the
immense value of the Medicaid Expansion that was passed into law in 2015 which
provided additional coverage for previously uninsured Montanan’s. We saw the
impact of this locally in Dillon, as more people were able to access healthcare
thanks to the expanded criteria to participate in this critical program. The
continuation of this essential program is crucial for the long-term sustainability of
our healthcare services and for the well-being of our patients.
Medicaid has been a beacon of hope, providing healthcare coverage for thousands
of Montanans. Since its implementation, it has had a profound positive impact on
our state's residents, particularly those in rural communities like Dillon. Yet, with
recent discussions on potential sunsetting of Medicaid Expansion, we need to
emphasize the critical importance of maintaining and supporting this program,
specifically for our hospital in Dillon.

Moreover, Medicaid Expansion has been instrumental in preserving the
sustainability of our hospital. By extending coverage to uninsured individuals in our
community, we have been able to reduce the burden of uncompensated care and
address cost challenges that would otherwise threaten our ability to provide
adequate services. The stability provided by Medicaid Expansion has allowed us to
invest in medical equipment, attract and retain talented healthcare professionals,
and expand our range of services. These advancements benefit not only our
patients but also the local economy, creating job opportunities and driving
economic growth in Dillon.
Additionally, Medicaid Expansion is closely linked to preventative care and early
intervention, two vital components of improving health outcomes. Through this
program, individuals have access to primary care services, screenings, and other
preventive measures that foster a healthier population in the long run. By focusing
on prevention, we can reduce the burden of chronic diseases and prevent costly
emergency room visits while promoting a culture of proactive health management
in our community.
Keeping Medicaid Expansion is not just about backing a program; it is about
supporting the people of Dillon and the surrounding areas. It is about ensuring that
our fellow residents who are at most risk can access quality healthcare, maintain
their health and well-being and live up to their full potential. It is our responsibility
as a healthcare facility and as members of the community to advocate for this vital
program that has transformed lives and continues to do so.

In conclusion, the Medicaid Expansion program is a lifeline for rural hospitals such
as Barrett Hospital & HealthCare. Its continuation is pivotal in providing equitable
access to healthcare services, preserving financial stability, and promoting overall
wellness in our community. Please join us and raise our collective voice together to
support our local legislators in 2025 to appeal for the retention of Medicaid
Expansion, safeguarding the health and future of our residents in Dillon and
Nate Finch- President, Barrett Hospital & HealthCare Board of Directors
Susan Davis Briggs-Board Member
Lawrence Morrisroe-Board Member
Shane Puyear-Board Member
Janet Tatarka- Board Member
