From Beaverhead County Sheriff's office.
On 2/11/24 at 1855 hours, Lima Fire and Ambulance were dispatched to a head on collision at mile marker 6 I-15.

Once Law Enforcement was on scene it was discovered that a single occupant traveling south in a trailblazer hit a patch of ice and lost control and went through the median into on coming traffic and hit a Chevy truck with four occupants head on.
The driver of the trail blazer was pinned in the vehicle with life threatening injuries and the Jaws of Life had to be used to free the driver.
The occupants on the Chevy truck were able to get out on their own but a few occupants had minor injuries.

Lima Fire and ambulance, Idaho's Clark County Ambulance, Beaverhead County Sheriff's Office, Clark County Sheriff's Office, Montana Highway Patrol, Montana Road Department and several bystanders worked the scene and helped get the injured into the ambulances and transported to Idaho Fall hospital. The debris and vehicle were quickly removed and the highway was reopened.
On a personal note I am so proud of the response and professionalism from everyone involved. A tragic accident far from anywhere and the amount of people involved this could have been a different story and a possible fatal. Instead it's a heroic act and a long road to recovery for a few but at least they are on that road!!
Sheriff David Wendt
Photo Credit Beaverhead County Sheriff's Office
