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Mandatory Trapper Education Course Available Online Soon

People looking to get into trapping will have a new, and required, education course available online June 1 from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

The course is being developed by the Trapper Education Committee, which has members from the Montana Trappers Association and Montana Fur Harvesters, as well as staff from FWP.

During the 2021 legislative session, Senate Bill 60 passed, which requires trapper education for all trappers who have not been a licensed trapper for at least three previous seasons. The education program will include online course work and a mandatory field day where new trappers can learn from experienced trappers about trapping ethics, humane techniques, avoidance of non-target species, fur management, and safety. This course also includes the mandatory wolf trapper certification for anyone looking to also trap wolves.

“Our trapper education course is really the culmination of years of collaboration to implement mandatory trapper education in Montana,” said FWP Director Hank Worsech. “Trapping has a long-standing history in Montana and is not only part of our outdoor culture, but a critical tool in wildlife management. Alongside our partners from Montana trapping organizations, we’re going to ensure that we’re teaching ethical and safe trapping, that avoids conflicts and maintains the tradition of trapping in Montana.”

Trapping licenses went on sale in April. Trappers who have been licensed trappers for three previous seasons will be asked to list that experience when purchasing a license. All other trappers age 12 and older will need to take the trapper education course before purchasing a license. Wolf trappers who have taken the wolf trapper education course, but haven’t been a licensed trapper for three years, will need to complete the trapper education course to be able to trap wolves in 2022 and beyond.

The online course will be available by June 1. Two field days are already scheduled for July. More field days will be scheduled and advertised in the coming weeks.

For people who are interested in going through the course curriculum in hard-copy format, please call or email Wayde Cooperider, 406-444-9947 or

For more information, on upcoming field days, please go to

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