HELENA – Hunters have until Dec. 22 to purchase lottery chances for a guided bison hunt on the Blackfeet Reservation. The drawing will be held on Dec. 23. The lottery is a way FWP partners with the Blackfeet Tribe to demonstrate a shared commitment to managing fish and wildlife across the state and to facilitate hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities.

The lottery is open to all hunters – tribal members, nonmembers, Montana residents and nonresidents. Chances are $10 each, and hunters can purchase up to 20 chances. At least 400 bison chances need to be sold or the winner pays $500. Successful hunters can keep the bison’s head, hide and meat.
To enter the drawing, go to fwp.mt.gov/buyandapply. Lottery opportunities can also be purchased at a license provider or an FWP office. For more information, contact the Blackfeet Fish and Game office at 406-338-7207.
