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Is It Disregard for Dillon Safety and Small Businesses

When I started this venture, I told myself I would remain neutral and avoid opinion pieces. But as local businesses worry about the future and we try to practice what the local authorities are telling us as Montanans we need to do, I find myself becoming more frustrated with the complete lack of disregard from those coming into our state.

My tipping point came in the form of a Facebook post in a local classified, warning people that out of state roofing companies are going door to door, trying to drum up business. I make my income through advertisements from local businesses. With most of these having to close their doors for the time being, I have all but stopped trying to get more business, especially knowing the hardships small businesses are facing right now. It's a scary future for us.

I sent a message to both the Beaverhead County Health Department and also the Dillon Police department asking them if the going from door to door was legal, as well as about the 14 day self quarantine. The police department responded, saying they have talked to these companies and told them to stop with the door to door. If you have one that comes to your door, call the police. The health department responded almost the same way but also included that anyone coming from out of state for non work related purposes must self quarantine for fourteen days, but that work related purposes didn't require such actions. So basically these roofers do not have to self quarantine.

To me, this is a slap in the face for the small businesses that have been deemed non essential. As we struggle with an uncertain future, our state is allowing workers to come into the state with a bypass of the quarantine rules and allowing them to work in public with no worry. I believe in competition and I also understand that our local contractors may have more jobs then they can finish. But I also believe that if we are shutting our doors and expected to follow the rules, the State also needs to stop the situations involving out of state workers. In these times they have asked a lot from small businesses, I believe they should also ask the same from these companies; as long as a stay at home order is in place, they should also ask out of state contracting companies doing work like this to be put off until this order is lifted and they allow our own small businesses to get back to work.

If you do decide to go with an out of state contractor, some words of advice from Judy Siring of Farmers Union Insurance.

A word of advice- as spring is in the air it’s now time to replace your hail damaged roof from last August catastrophic hail storm. Please make sure as you are choosing a roofer (whether local or from out of the area) that you are able to obtain a certificate of insurance showing that they have general liability insurance and workers comp if they have workers, you should be listed as the certificate holder. If they are from out of state call their insurance agent (their info should be on the certificate of insurance) and make sure their coverage covers them in Montana. Keep that certificate with all your roof repair info so that if you have any issues down the road with your roof you have an avenue for recourse. If I can help you in any way or if you are unsure give me a call at 683-2365.


Out of State Roofing Companies Working During Stay at Home Order

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