Governor Gianforte held a press conference today 01/05/2021 laying out the new steps he will put in place to deal with the COVID pandemic.

Rescinding the mask mandate in the following weeks was on top of his list. But he did stress that it is dependent on getting the vaccine to the most vulnerable and getting protections in place for businesses, nonprofits, and schools.
Gianforte stated they want to publish clear guidelines on how to keep employees safe as well as the customers. This will also protect them from lawsuits related to Corona Virus restrictions and complications.

Gianforte also discussed the changes to the way they will continue with the distribution of the vaccine. All Montanans over 70 and any Montana aged 16-69 with specific underlying health conditions will be eligible for the vaccine immediately. With Montana being 8th in the nation for distribution of the vaccine, he emphasized that we cannot have the vaccine sitting on shelves being unavailable to those who want it.