Governor Greg Gianforte this morning invited Minnesota small business owners to bring their businesses and good-paying jobs to Montana as they face massive tax hikes in Minnesota.

“As a business leader and entrepreneur, I understand it’s critical for the success of your business to have tax and regulatory stability and certainty, which allows you to thrive, create jobs, and increase opportunities. Anything less than certainty and stability is bad for business,” the governor wrote in an open letter to Minnesota small business owners.
“I write to offer you greater tax and regulatory certainty as well as a business-friendly climate in Montana,” the governor continued.

This week, state leaders in Minnesota failed to replenish the state’s unemployment insurance trust fund after borrowing funds from the federal government during the pandemic. The fund, which is $1.3 billion in debt, will now be filled with revenue from a 30% tax hike on first quarter payroll tax bills for Minnesota businesses.
Writing to fellow entrepreneurs and business owners in Minnesota, Gov. Gianforte outlined what makes Montana the best place to do business, including a stable, predictable climate for business, a recently overhauled pro-business, pro-jobs tax code, and a 2021 tax cut that provides $120 million in permanent tax relief for Montanans.

“These are just a few reasons why Montana was recently ranked the best state to start a small business,” the governor wrote.
The governor also emphasized Montana’s excellent quality of life, rich outdoor heritage, and Montanans’ work ethic which set the Treasure State apart.
Reflecting on his success building a business in Montana and creating 500 high-wage Montana jobs, the governor wrote, “We only succeeded…because of Montanans’ strong work ethic. I’m confident you can find success here too.”

Gov. Gianforte concluded, “If you value freedom and free enterprise and are looking for a location to do business that has a stable, predictable, business-friendly climate, look no further than Montana.”
The governor’s open letter to Minnesota small business owners can be viewed in full here.