Size: 7,262
Percent Completion: 42%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned:
• Total personnel: 267
• Engines: 18
• Helicopters: 2
• Hand crews: 1 type 1 hot shot crews, 1 type 2 initial attack crew and 2 type 2 crews.

North of Otter Lake, crews will prep line and conduct a small burn out
operation (if fuels and weather conditions are right) along the rim to
contain a section of concentrated heat.
Heavy machinery plans to complete line construction today southwest of
Hoodoo Pass and along Forest Service Trail 6410, northbound. The
remainder of the line into the West Fork Madison River will be completed
by hand crews. These lines will serve as the basis for future burnout
operations to contain the fire on the western flank.
Crews continue to "mop-up" residual heat along the north, east and south
sides of the fire.
Crews are systematically conducting isolated burn-out operations in block
sections within the Meridian Creek drainage. A helicopter will assist
ground crews with bucket drops in this area, where the fire has been
active in heavy timber.

The fire received 0.2 inches of precipitation yesterday afternoon. Weather
stations tracking additional amounts overnight were down for unknown
A cold front will approach the fire area today, bringing stronger winds and
afternoon thunderstorms. Erratic wind gusts could reach up to 50 mph. A
Fire Weather Watch will be in effect tomorrow. Drier air will move in
behind this front, with higher temperatures and relative humidity in the
low teens.
Although the fire received measurable precipitation last night, fuel
moisture values are still unseasonably low. Minimal fire activity is
expected today, with a burn period of 2-3 hours. Most activity will occur
around noon with some torching in the heavy timber.
With sunny skies and lower relative humidity starting Friday, grass and
sage fuels may become more available to burn. Heavy fuels will continue
to smolder, with isolated torching and short crown runs possible.

The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest official closure information
can be found here: The
Forest will monitor and re-evaluate the closure area, shrinking the
boundary as conditions become safe to do so. Fire-weakened trees are
susceptible to winds and pose a threat to firefighters and the public.
The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is currently in Stage 1 Fire
Restrictions. These fire restrictions will tighten on Saturday morning, as
the Forest implements Stage 2. All campfires and stove fires (including
charcoal barbecues and grills) will be prohibited. These restrictions also
affect smoking and the use of internal combustion engines.
