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Goose Fire Update 07/20/2021

Size: 6,388

Percent Completion: 24%

Resources Assigned:

• Total personnel: 308

• Engines: 18

• Helicopters: 2

• Hand crews: 4 type 1 hot shot crews, 1 type 2 initial attack crew and 2 type 2 crews


Mechanical issues and adverse weather conditions resulted in the inability

to run infrared (IR) mapping flights over the fire's perimeter the last two

nights. The acreage is estimated at 6,388 based on on-the-ground

knowledge of areas burned. The IR flights are a national fire asset, not

specific to Goose Fire, and when operational, aircraft and technicians can

conduct IR scans on as many as 25 fires in a single night of work.

Crews' focus will be to "mop-up" residual heat on the fire's edge to reduce

the risk of the fire spotting and burning across their lines. Crews in the

southwest are also conducting burn-out operations as necessary to contain

the fire along the Brimstone Trail. In the north, crews are monitoring the

fire's progress in areas where they conducted burn-out operations over the

weekend. Crews have found and suppressed a few spots in the areas of

green, unburned fuels.

A heavy equipment task force on the southwest flank completed line

construction east of Snowshoe Pass, connecting to already established

fireline along Brimstone Trail. Equipment will continue this along the

ridgeline, dropping down into West Fork Madison area.


The fire camp area received light rain overnight. Several pulses of

thunderstorm activity are expected today. Stronger, more severe storms,

with small hail, wind gusts up to 50 mph, heavy downpours, and

lightning, are possible this afternoon. Wind directions will be erratic with

multiple wind shifts due to outflows throughout the day. More moisture in

the atmosphere could result in wetting rain over the fire area. Tomorrow

looks to be a transition day with the weather, as a cold front passage is

forecast for Thursday.

Erratic winds due to passing thunderstorms may throw embers or cause

burning snags to fall across the line, causing spot fires. However, very

little fire growth is expected due to unreceptive fuels in the area where

spotting may occur. Grass and sage fuels will be unavailable to burn, given

the higher relative humidity values. Heavy fuels will continue to smolder

with peak burning hours between 5pm and 8pm.


The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest official closure information

can be found here


The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions.

Current restrictions information can be found here

Campfires and stove fires (including charcoal barbecues and grills) are

prohibited in the area unless using permanent fire pits or fire grates within

developed recreation sites. Smoking, unless in a vehicle, a building, or an

area 3 feet in diameter cleared of vegetation, is also restricted.

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