Size: 5,551 (infrared flight)
Percent Completion: 10%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned:
• Total personnel: 293
• Engines: 17
• Helicopters: 2
• Hand crews: 3 type 1 hot shot crews, 1 type 2 initial attack crew and 2 type 2 crews
Crews secured a spot fire near Meridian Creek last night. The fire has been
most active in the Brimstone Creek area. Resources will improve FS Road
6019 along Meridian Creek into West Fork Madison River, establishing a
fuel break. Crews will coordinate with local Forest officials to assess
structures at West Fork Cow Camp. Handline construction will continue
to link the Cliff Lake Bench toward HooDoo Pass on the western edge of
the fire. Crews will continue to secure and mop-up on the eastern edge of
the fire and monitor around structures and along the constructed lines
throughout the fire area.

Resources assisted the Madison District with initial attack response to a
new fire reported in the Greenhorn Range, northwest of the Goose Fire
last night.
Clearer skies should allow helicopters to be available to assist ground
crews with bucket drops and with monitoring fire progression today.
There was no measurable precipitation received in the fire area last night.
Temperatures are forecast to reach 90 degrees in the fire area, as we enter
a period of warming and drying across the region. Relative humidity is
expected to be in the 10-15% range, which is lower than the last several
days. Southwest winds at 7-10 mph are expected. There is a slight chance
for thunderstorms this afternoon, which could bring gusty winds to the
fire area if they materialize. Winds can impact the fire from storms that are
many miles away. No precipitation is expected.
These warmer, drier conditions are likely to increase fire behavior and the
duration of the active burn period. Short crown runs, group torching, and
short-range spotting are expected. The intensity and the rate of fire spread
in the Meridian drainage will likely increase as winds pick up and the fire
spreads into an area with more continuous fuels. The fire is likely to
continue spreading at a rate of around 1/2 to a mile per day in the most
active areas of the fire.
The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest expanded the area closure
around the fire area, extending the boundaries due to recent fire
progression. Official closure information can be found here:

The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions.
Campfires and stove fires (including charcoal barbecues and grills) are
prohibited in the area unless using permanent fire pits or fire grates within
developed recreation sites. Smoking, unless in a vehicle, a building, or an
area 3 feet in diameter cleared of vegetation, is also restricted.
