The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Friday, Jan. 28, to review the wolf hunting and trapping seasons in FWP Region 3 as required by the decision the commission made on wolf regulations during its August meeting.

The meeting Jan. 28 will be streamed live on the FWP website; there will be opportunity for public comment on any commission action. The meeting time is tentatively set for 1:30.
The commission established harvest thresholds in each of FWP’s administrative regions, which total 450 statewide. If harvest meets any of these thresholds, the commission will convene to revisit the regulations and potentially adjust the season structure.

As wolf harvest in Region 3, which is generally comprised of southwest Montana, nears its threshold, the commission will discuss potential next steps and may act on some of them at this meeting. The Region 3 threshold is 82 wolves; as of Wednesday morning, the harvest for Region 3 is 74 wolves.

Those interested in up-to-date information on the status of Montana’s wolf harvest can view FWP’s wolf dashboard, which shows the number of wolves harvested by region and wolf management unit (WMU). The dashboard is updated multiple times per day.
For all wolf hunting and trapping regulations and information, visit FWP's wolf webpage.