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Finance Committee Meeting

125 N. Idaho St.
City of Dillon, Montana
May 16th , 2024
9:00 a.m.

1. Discuss/Recommend FY 2024-2025 Budget Items

a. Water & Sewer

i. Water Utility

ii. Water Reserve for Replacement

iii. Capital Project River

iv. Sinking River Crossing Bond

v. Sewer Utility

vi. Sewer Reserve for Replacement

vii. 2015 Waste Water Plant

b. Streets

i. Lighting District #33

ii. Sprinkling District #1

iii. Street Maintenance District

iv. Gas Tax

v. Gas Tax – Special Road

vi. Reserve for Street & Alley

vii. Reserve – Sweeper

viii. Reserve Fund for Shop

viiii. Reserve for Street

x. Idaho Street Project

2. Public Comment on Items of Significant Public Interest Not on The

Agenda And Within The Jurisdiction of The City

3. Adjournment

Committee Members: Russ Schwandt, Chairperson, Anneliese Ripley

FY24-25 Water-Sewer Budget
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FY24-25 Street Budget
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