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Dillon Volunteer Fire Dept. Beaverhead Fire Dist #2 Call Log

The Dillon Volunteer Fire Department responded to 9 calls for service during the month

of February.

02-02 S Dakota St Structure Fire

02-02 Albers Ln Haystack Fire

02-04 W Helena St Gas Leak

02-07 N Montana St MVA

02-14 Grandview Ranch Ln Structure Fire

02-15 I-15 MM 59 MVA

02-24 Meriwether Ln Chimney Fire

02-24 I-15 MM 73 MVA

Our first training for the month of February was at the Dillon Airport. Randy Bailey

discussed some of the different scenarios & difficulties that could be encountered at the

airport & with an aviation accident. For our second training in February, we had some

guests from the Montana DNRC talk about helicopters & helicopter safety.

March 1 st marks the beginning of open burning in Montana. Before you burn, please be

sure to purchase a burning permit & activate it. The burn permits are $3.00 for the

calendar year. To purchase a burn permit please visit If you have any questions regarding burning in

Beaverhead county please call 406-683-5051.

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