Dillon Volunteer Fire Department responded to 8 calls during the month of March, 2022.
03-01 Christine Ln Outlet fire
03-03 I-15 MM 54 MVA
03-04 I-15 MM 67 MVA
03-08 Hwy 91 N MM 14 MVA
03-14 N Utah St Oven Fire
03-22 Helena St Gas Odor
03-23 Swensen Way MVA
03-30 Fairway Dr CO Call
Training for the month of March was very diverse. We trained on the wildland apparatus in preparation for the upcoming wildland fire season as well as training on our Heavy Rescue truck. We also had members attend a CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) class, Montana Mutual Aid Symposium & Staff & Command. Total training hours by our members for the month were 135.