Twenty-five civic minded businessmen including first officers Frank Hazelbaker, Frank Eilel and J.H. Gilbert started Dillon’s Rotary Club on July 1, 1922. These men firmly believed in following the club’s moto of “Service Above Self”, which is also reflected today in our added 5-way test:
• Is it the TRUTH?
• Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
• Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
• And IS IT FUN?

Rotary International has expanded significantly since those days with Rotary Clubs currently
active in over 200 countries world-wide, including 1.4 million members. The intent of Rotary
includes promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, improving
education, and growing local economies. Rotary International’s hallmark acclaim has been
their Partnership in the eradication of Polio worldwide.
We have made a lot of progress for Dillon as well as contributing to our surrounding
community, state, country, and world since those early businessmen established the Dillon
Club. Keeping it local is our most rewarding effort. Currently our energy and services to the
Dillon Community include:

• Hosting our Dillon Rotary Annual Ice Melt Contest fund raiser.
• 14 metal benches to the Friends of Jaycee Park Association.
• Trees for the Dillon walking and bike trails.
• Several annual college scholarships to local High School graduates.
• House number signs in support of our local Emergency Services.
• Facilitators of the Craig Rehm Memorial Fund in support to UMW Business Students.
• BBQ food service in support of local Veteran and Concert events.
• Corn Dog service to the local kids Halloween Fall Fest.
In 2022 & 2023, added efforts are being steered toward developing younger membership
growth, and a local presence in “Greater Youth Environmental Partnerships”. Current
membership reflects the progress we have made.

The Dillon Rotary Club meets at noon on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in the Guild Hall of St.
James Episcopal Church, located at 203 East Glendale Street. Visitors are welcome to attend,
and anyone interested in learning more about the Rotary organization is invited to be a guest
for lunch. To attend our meetings, feel free to contact us.
For more information about the Rotary Club email Gary Lorenzen at 406-683-2552