The Dillon Jaycees are seeking nominations from all clubs, organizations, or other interested parties for the 2020 Distinguished Service Award and Outstanding Young Man. Men that are nominated should have good character, leadership abilities, and a willingness to work and be very active in the community, church, and or civic activities. Nominations for Outstanding Young Man must be between the ages of 18 and 40 and nominations for the Distinguished Service Award are 41 and up. Nominees will be evaluated by a panel of judges from throughout the community of Dillon.
The awards presentation will be held Friday, March 20th at the Lewis and Clark Room at the University of Montana Western. Please submit a detailed letter of nomination to the Dillon Jaycees, PO Box 334, Dillon, MT 59725 or email them to Nominations must be received by March 13th. For more information contact JM Peck at 406-660-0494.