On Sunday, November 3, 2024. three girls and three boys, ages 8-13, were crowned Champions at the Dillon Elks Lodge “Hoop Shoot”® free throw contest, which took place at BW Lodge Gymnasium in Dillon. The participants, who qualified from their School Hoop Shoot, were from the following towns:
Dillon, Ennis, Harrison, Lima, McAllister, Sheridan and Twin Bridges.

The three first place boys and girls in age categories 8-9, 10-11 and 12-13 were awarded trophies and will advance to the South District Elks Hoop Shoot Competition in Dillon, at Montana Western on January 4, 2025. Below are the results:

Girls 8-9 Score
1st – Kennedy Griffin (McAllister) 7/25
2nd – Mariah Wilke (Twin Bridges) 6/25
3rd – Violet Brosam (Dillon) 3/25
Girls 10-11 Score
1st – Kate Feenstra (Dillon) 17/25
2nd – Danika Johnson (Dillon) 12/25
3rd – Hallie Probst (Dillon) 10/25
Girls 12-13 Score
1st – Quinn Feenstra (Dillon) 19/25
2nd – Madison Reynolds (Harrison) 14/25
3rd – Audrianna Bernard (Lima) 13/25

Boys 8-9 Score
1st – Wyatt Swisher (Dillon) 11/25
2nd –Michael Willauer (Sheridan) 7/25 (2/5)
3rd – Emmett Holbrook (Twin Bridges) 7/25 (1/5)
Boys 10-11 Score
1st – Austin Blando (Dillon) 16/25
2nd – Raustin Rogers (Dillon) 14/25 (4/5)
3rd – Jaxon Schrank (Sheridan) 14/25 (2/5)
Boys 12-13 Score
1st – Easton Oswald (Dillon) 16/25
2nd – Layne Burk (Dillon) 15/25
3rd – Carter Feuling (Dillon) 6/25
