DVFD responded to 12 calls during the month of April, 2023.
04-02 E Bannack St CO Call
04-04 Selway Dr Fire Alarm
04-05 Apex Grass Fire
04-06 Reeder St Gas Odor
04-09 Downing Ln Grass Fire
04-12 I-15 MM 59 MVA
04-13 Hwy 278 MM 14 MVA
04-18 Legget Ave Powerline Down
04-26 I-15 MM 46 MVA
04-27 Monida Structure Fire (Mutual Aid)
04-29 N Montana St Gas Odor
04-30 N Walnut St Gas Odor

We had firefighters train on S-212 Chainsaw Class, S-219 Firing Boss Class, Response to
Radioactive Incidents Class, First Responder Trauma Training. Our cadets are
continuing with the FF1 training. We also conducted some leadership training. We had
four Montana Youth Challenge cadets spend a couple of afternoons cleaning trucks and
learning about the apparatus.
