HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Department of Commerce announced today that more than $720,000 of grant funding will be distributed to six regional tourism partners, also known as Destination Marketing Organizations, to develop and enhance rural and under-visited tourism opportunities. The grant funding is provided through Commerce’s Regional Assistance Program.

“Visitation to our state comprises one of our largest industries and it’s important to help our regional partners further develop their tourism assets,” said Paul Green, Director of the Montana Department of Commerce. “Grant funding through the Regional Assistance Program will assist our communities by facilitating revenue and visitor growth, especially in rural and under-visited areas.”
The RAP focuses on supporting Montana communities with asset development and collaborative promotion to increase visitor commerce and generate community revenue for the benefit of local economies. To be considered for RAP funding, eligible applicants demonstrated their alignment with Commerce’s tourism marketing plans and rural and under-visited tourism development strategies. They also displayed a connection to regional or state resiliency plans, and illustrated how they will accomplish their goals through work plans, detailed budgets and timelines.

The following Destination Marketing Organizations will receive grant funding:
The Anaconda Local Development Corporation will receive $106,946 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.
The Beaverhead Chamber of Commerce will receive $43,994 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.
The Glendive Chamber of Commerce will receive $90,764 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.
The Havre Area Chamber of Commerce will receive $108,924 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.
The Miles City Area Chamber of Commerce will receive $37,886 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.
Missouri River Country will receive $334,282 of Regional Assistance Program grant funding within a two-year period.

“Anaconda is working towards cool season recreational enhancements and construction to increase off-peak season tourism," said Kathleen Tarkalson, Executive Director of Discover Anaconda. "The Regional Assistance Program Grant funding is instrumental in our development of a strategic brand and sustainable marketing efforts to enhance opportunities for our community during the slowest and most challenging time of the year.”
The 2023 Montana Legislature authorized the RAP; it was enacted through Senate Bill 540, which provided updated direction for use of the Lodging Facility Use Tax (Bed Tax), which is collected from hotel visitors and guests. To learn more about this program and other upcoming opportunities, visit brand.mt.gov.
