Change to Days of The Week for Watering

The City of Dillon has determined the water supply of the City is seriously short for fires, health and general operational functions of the City. Starting at 12:01 a.m. Thursday morning, July 1 st ,2021 and continuing until further notice it is unlawful for any person to water lawns, gardens, or use any outside water for any purpose whatsoever, except at the following hours and on the following days:
1. The hours shall be from either five a.m. to eleven a.m., or five p.m. to eleven p.m. at the
selection of the person, but such person may not water at both times.
2. The houses with odd numbers shall water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday
3. The houses with even numbers shall water on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

For any violation of this notice upon conviction thereof, the violator shall be subject to the
following fines and penalties:
1. For the first violation, the violator will be issued a warning ticket
2. For the second violation, the violator will be subject to a fine of ten dollars
3. For the third violation, the violator will be subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars
Any person violating the restrictions as imposed by the City or who wastes water by letting it run in avenues, streets, alleys or roadways shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
The City of Dillon would like to thank you for your cooperation
