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Beaverhead Search & Rescue Responds To Emergency Aircraft Landing

Submitted by: Mel Rice, Public Relations

The Beaverhead Search and Rescue was called out to assist a downed aircraft Sunday morning, January 5th, at 11:59 AM.  A local pilot was flying a Fish Wildlife and Parks biologist around the area and was forced to make an emergency landing.  The incident took place on a ridge south and west of Clark Canyon Dam.   The aircraft apparently had some icing issues and was force to land.  It did not crash and both occupants of the plane were in good condition. 

There were 4 SAR teams dispatched to the location to offer assistance.  The rescue teams were dispatched at 1:35 PM.  Each team unloaded their UTV’s at approximately 3:25 PM and headed to the aircraft’s location.  SAR personnel arrived on scene, retrieved the pilot and passenger and headed off the mountain around 5:30 PM.  By 6:45 all parties were back at their vehicles enroute for town. 

Initially the pilot wanted S&R members to try and cut sagebrush and pack snow so he could make an attempt to take off.  After assessing the situation, it was determined that was not in the plan, not only because of weather conditions and time of day, but it is not within the scope of the unit’s mission.  It is not the policy of Search and Rescue to help get vehicles unstuck or off the mountains.   We are there to find and assist individuals in the quickest manner and get them to safety and a healthier environment.  Therefore, the pilot and FWP biologist were brought from the incident location back to town. 

Members of the S&R participating in the event as hasty teams were: Tommy Goins, Cody Schnee, Tara Remely, Brad Wagner, Steve Mock, Wade Bush, Adam Norlander, Charles Weidow, David Broadhead, Jack Bazemore, James Mathews, and Josh Yeadon.   The management team was made up of Zane Woods and Anthony Grant.  “In the Business of Saving Lives”, your Beaverhead County Search and Rescue. 

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