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Beaverhead Search & Rescue News

Submitted by: Mel Rice, Public Relations Officer

The January Search and Rescue meeting was called to order by commander Lawrence Morrisroe at 7:08 PM.  The first order of business was the explanation of training opportunities coming up in the month of January.  There will be wilderness training on 12, 13, 14, and 15 of January.  Then there will be avalanche training on the 27th of January. 

The next order of business was a report by Tara Remely on the annual fish derby.  Because of the warm winter and open water on Clark Canyon Reservoir it has been questionable whether it would even happen.  But now that there have been colder temperatures, reports are that the ice has thickened to about 10 inches everywhere.  And with cold weather this week, ice should continue to build and not be an issue for holding the Stan Shafer Memorial Ice Fishing Derby.  The Derby will be January 14th at Clark Canyon Reservoir.  You must have a ticket to participate.  Tickets can be purchased from S&R members and around town at various businesses.  There will be members selling tickets at each grocery store at various times during the days this week. 

The derby will have two tagged fish in the lake.  One of tags is worth $6000.00 and second is worth $9000.00. There is a four way spit of $750.00 by weight of the top 4 trout, and a four way split of $750.00 by weight of the top 4 burbot (ling).  There is also a kids’ competition for youngsters 12 years of age and younger.  This contest is for the top 3 trout by weight and top 3 ling by weight.  In the kids’ contest, first place in each category will pay $75.00, second place in each will pay $50.00, and third place in each will pay $25.00.  There will also be 50/50 pot splits for every $500.00 worth of tickets sold, door prizes donated by local merchants, and a $150.00 cash prize.   You don’t have to be present to win the door prizes or the $150.00 prize.   Come join us for a great day of fishing and comradery January 14th at Clark Canyon. 

The final order of business for the night was the election of officers for 2024.  The following individuals were dually elected by the membership. 

  • Commander- Kolby Malesich

  • Vice Commander- Shane Puyear

  • Secretary- Jamie Trivette

  • Treasurer- Brian Vinson

  • Communications- Brad Wagner

  • Equipment- Evan Helle

  • Training- Adam Norlander

  • Public Relations- Mel Rice

  • Board of Directors- Cody Schnee, Chuck Maddox, Mike Clarke

When you see these individuals out and about, please thank them for their dedication and service to your Beaverhead Search and Rescue.  It is a big job.   


The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.   The unit would like to remind everyone to please be careful out there.  Even though the weather has been mild it can change in a hurry.  Don’t get caught with your pants down when just a little preparation and time could have prevented your needing situation.   “In the Business of Saving Lives”, your Beaverhead Search and Rescue. 

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