Beaverhead Search and Rescue News
Submitted by: Mel Rice, Public Relations Officer
The Beaverhead Search and Rescue held its January meeting on Wednesday the 6th. Commander Clint Rouse called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Several members participated in the meeting via zoom and 28 members attended in person while following Covid19 mandates of social distancing and wearing of masks. There were several items of business addressed: 2 donations from local businesses, the 2021 fish derby, member and rookie of the year, a presentation to a retiring member, and election of 2021 officers.

The first order of business was a presentation to Larry Skiles, a dedicated member for the past 12 year. He served in many capacities within the organization. Larry was one that could be called upon to do whatever had to be done and participated in a majority of the searches and rescues performed during his tenure. If you see Larry out and about, thank him for his service to your Beaverhead S&R.
Next were presentations to the organization’s “Outstanding Member and Outstanding Rookie Of The Year”. The 2020 Member of the Year went to Dusty Crowe. Dusty has served as Vice Commander for the past year and was just re-elected to that capacity. He has been very active and instrumental in numerous activities of the group. He is very unselfish with his time during fundraisers and searches/rescues. The 2020 Rookie of the Year was presented to Nathan Freeman. Nathan joined the S&R this past year and wasted no time getting involved. He has been very helpful in all aspects of the organization’s work and activities. He has been very willing to learn through trainings and from the seasoned members of the group. If you run into either of these fine gentlemen please thank them for their dedication and service to your Beaverhead Search and Rescue.
Commander Clint Rouse presented donations to the S&R membership that he received from Vigilante Electric and Pioneer Federal Saving and Loan. Vigilante Electric’s General Manager, Rollie Miller, presented Clint with a check for $500.00 to be used for First Responder Wilderness Kits which the unit has put together for back country searches/rescues. Thank you Mr. Miller and Vigilante Electric for your support of BVHD S&R. The second donation was from President Phil Willett of Pioneer Savings and Loan. Mr. Willett presented a check for $2000.00 to Clint from their Foundation to be used to purchase necessary equipment for the unit. Thank you Phil Willet for your organization’s continued support of your Search and Rescue.

The Beaverhead Search and Rescue would also like to let the public know we had a very busy 2020. Since September 1 there were 7 searches/rescues during the archery and general hunting season. In all of these incidents, all the victims were fine and required no medical attention. Prior to September there were 5 search/rescue incidents. Three of these involved deceased individuals and were considered recovery operations.
The final order of business was the election of officers for the 2021 year. Results are as follow:
Commander-Lawrence Morrisroe Vice Commander-Dusty Crowe Secretary-Kolby Malesich Treasurer-Brian Vinson Communications Officer-Brad Wagner Equipment Manager-Tommy Goins Training Officer-Nathan Freeman Public Relations-Mel Rice Board of Directors-Chuck Maddox, Cody Schnee, and Trent Cottom
Congratulations to all of the newly elected officers. The meeting concluded with the passing of the gavel from Clint to Lawrence and a hardy thank you to Clint for his organizational skills, perseverance, dedication, and leadership during this trying Covid19 year.