We have received a letter from Sue Hansen Director of Beaverhead County Health, outlining the phase one directives for reopening.
Beaverhead County Public Health Directive Phase One Reopening April 24, 2020
OVERALL RECOMMENDATIONS • Continue to practice physical distancing and keep 6 feet apart when in public. Continue to practice good handwashing. • Any person with symptoms of illness must isolate until well. • Continue to avoid all non-essential travel. Strong recommendation to wear face coverings when in public. 2 weeks of quarantine continue to be mandated by the Governor for persons arriving from out of country or state for non-work-related purposes. People over age 65 with underlying medical conditions should continue to isolate. If a business requires driving in a vehicle with non-family members, face coverings MUST be worn. Do not gather in groups of more than 10 people and continue appropriate physical distancing. Gyms, pools, and hot tubs remain closed. Other places of assembly remain closed (e.g. movie and performance theaters, concert halls).
ALL SETTINGS • Health assessments must be conducted for all employees at the beginning of each shift. In establishments where customers wait in a line, non-household customers should remain physically distanced. Waiting areas where the public may congregate must be closed. Customers should be encouraged to call for a reservation or an appointment, or establishments should use an online wait listing application. Physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained between non-congregate customers, this may require: O A reduction in capacity; O Appointment/Reservations should be utilized. o Systems that reduce the amount of contact time between customers and staff
EMPLOYER RECOMMENDATIONS Develop and implement appropriate policies, in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations and guidance, and informed by industry best practices, regarding: o Social distancing and protective equipment. O Temperature checks and/or symptom screening. Do not allow people with a temperature of 100 degrees F to work. Do not allow sick people to work. o Collaborate with public health on testing, isolating, and contact tracing, o Sanitation. o Use and disinfection of common and high-traffic areas Continue to ENCOURAGE TELEWORK whenever possible and feasible with business operations. When telework is not feasible it is encouraged to ACCOMMODATE ALTERNATE WORK SCHEDULES such as shift work and staggered scheduling in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Close COMMON AREAS where personnel are likely to congregate and interact; or enforce strict social distancing protocols. MINIMIZE NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TRAVEL. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS should be made for members of a VULNERABLE POPULATION OR those with vulnerable household members. SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS: SENIOR LIVING OR ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES must continue to prohibit visitors. Those who do interact with residents and patients must ensure strict protocols regarding hygiene and protection are followed. o This includes daily screening of staff for symptoms and preventing ill workers from working. o Face coverings for all staff. CHILD CARE FACILITIES can remain operational but should follow State and local guidelines regarding operational levels and occupancy. MAIN STREET AND RETAIL BUSINESSES: OPEN 4-27-20 Businesses can become operational with reduced capacity and where strict physical distancing protocols can be maintained. Social distancing must be enforced in the building. Staff and customers must wear face coverings. Surfaces, door handles need to be cleaned regularly. Surfaces touched by customers need to be cleaned between customers such as point of service machines. • No public waiting area. Reservations/appointments encouraged. Curbside service encouraged. • Suspend complimentary food/drink offerings. Staff and customers should be symptom free. Symptomatic staff or customers should be asked to isolate at home. • GYMS / POOLS / HOT TUBS remain closed.
FAITH ORGANIZATIONS: OPEN 4-26-20 PLACES OF WORSHIP can become operational with reduced capacity and where strict physical distancing protocols can be maintained between non-household members. O Youth groups can meet if physical distancing can be implemented. o People can sit in family groups but must social distance otherwise. No limitations on church attendance as long as distancing is followed. o Block off every other pew with tape. O A reduction in capacity o Increasing spacing, removing stations, or marking stations as closed o Providing for a physical barrier between stations O A reduction of seating in service areas. No waiting areas. o Systems that reduce the amount of contact time between customers and staff Chairs, surfaces, and equipment need to be sanitized between clients. Suspend complimentary food/drink offerings. This Directive will remain in effect until the Governor of the State of Montana announces the next State Directive.
