Board of Trustees
Agenda, Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 @ 5 PM
1. Introduction of Guests:
2. Approval of consent agenda & minutes:
Trustees (7): John Breen, John Garry, Lee Graves, Aggie Helle, Donna Jones,
Lorraine King, Neal Straus
a. Director, Present: Candi Whitworth
3. Trustees Excused Absent:
4. Treasurer’s Report: Neal Straus
a. Preliminary 2022-2023 Budget
b. Clarify of Insurance - Candi
5. Association Report: Lynn Giles
a. Donations on Grand Opening
6. Old Business:
a. Review of Grand Opening Event/ expense report
b. Were the donor cards a success? If not do we need to be more creative?
c. Events/Exhibits Lorraine/Lynn & Candi
d. Scale Train update
7. New Business:
a. Update on the alarm from 2G to 5G
8. Director’s Report: Candi Whitworth
9. Other Business:
10. Public Discussion:
Public comment on items of significant public interest not on the agenda and within
the jurisdiction of the Beaverhead County Museum Board of Trustees.
11. Set date of the next meeting: August 18, 2022
12. Adjournment: