Dark skies around Dillon held some unfamiliar lighting Friday evening when a drive in
movie returned to Beaverhead County. The Be the Change 406 Youth Coalition
sponsored their third outdoor movie night by projecting “Sing II” onto a special screen
attached to the back wall of the Town and Country Food building.

BTC youth provided complementary popcorn and refreshments to each of the roughly
two dozen cars jostling for space in the back parking lot. In some cars moms, dads,
and grandparents settled down their eager passengers, ranging from tots to pre-teens,
and repeatedly answered the question: “Is it dark yet?” Other carloads with teen and
young adults patiently waited for the movie while checking mobile phones for how long it
takes to get dark after sunset or “astronomical twilight” time. About 50 people attended.
Adult BTC Coalition members assisted by providing parking directions for optimal
viewing, technology assistance (car radios carried the audio), and mounting the large
white tarp, aka screen, to Town and Country’s back wall.

“It was definitely a joint effort by all”, BTC Executive Board member Charise Lemelin
said. “Kids were engaged and parents were happy and thankful.”
Most importantly, there’s more to come, she said. As it starts to get darker earlier it’s a
great option to do more drive in movie nights.

Those interested are encouraged to learn about the next movie night by regularly
checking the group’s website at: www.bethechange406.org and selecting “youth
coalition” from the main menu.