Dillon, Montana, Feb. 16, 2024 — Barrett Hospital & HealthCare is proud to announce
a significant upgrade to its endoscopy department, with the acquisition of EVIS X1TM
endoscopy equipment and endoscopes from Olympus, a global leader in medical
technology. With this important advancement, Barrett Hospital & HealthCare has
become the first healthcare institution in the state of Montana to fully update its
endoscopy suite with the latest Olympus products.

This upgrade reflects Barrett Hospital & HealthCare’s commitment to delivering a high
standard of care to its patients. By embracing these advanced medical tools, we are
enhancing our ability to perform efficient screenings and diagnose and treat a variety of
gastrointestinal conditions.
The Olympus EVIS X1 endoscopy system provides a combination of diagnostic and
therapeutic innovations to help improve patient care and streamline endoscopic
procedures. Physicians use endoscopy systems to help diagnose and treat diseases and
disorders of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract such as acid reflux, ulcers,
Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, and colorectal cancer (CRC). An endoscope is commonly
used during a screening colonoscopy, when a physician examines the lining of the colon
and may remove any potentially cancerous growths, known as polyps.
CRC represents the third most common cancer diagnosis for men and women with an
estimated 153,000 cases diagnosed annually, according to the American Cancer Society.
The lifetime risk for developing CRC is about 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 26 for women but
varies based on individual risk factors. CRC is a preventable and treatable disease with
a 5-year survival rate of up to 91%, if caught at a localized stage 2.

The new Olympus EVIS X1 endoscopic equipment is designed to deliver sharp images
and improved handling. 3 The system’s diagnostic and therapeutic innovations can help
improve the ability to provide patient care and streamline endoscopic procedures.
“Our mission at Barrett Hospital & HealthCare has always been to provide exceptional
care and service to our community,” said Taylor Rose, Chief Executive Officer of Barrett
Hospital & HealthCare. "By being the first in Montana to incorporate Olympus’s EVIS X1
endoscopic technology into our endoscopy department, we are setting a new standard
for medical excellence within the state."
For more information about the upgraded endoscopy suite at Barrett Hospital &
HealthCare, or to schedule an appointment, please contact 406-683-1188.
