Alder Creek
Size: 10,624 Acres
Containment: 10%
Location: 7 miles west of Wise River, MT
Start Date: July 8, 2021
Cause: Unknown
Total personnel: 299
Alder Creek Fire: The Alder and Christensen fires continue to grow and are expected to join in the near term. Crews will enhance and monitor burnout depth ahead of the main fire and scout additional control features and contingency line placement for feasibility. Structure protection continues to be a priority.
Size: 7,828 Acres
Containment: 0%
Location: 12 miles west of Wise River, MT
Start Date: July 16, 2021
Cause: Unknown
Total personnel: 18
Christensen Fire: The Christensen Fire will remain active today in steep, rugged and inaccessible terrain, growing closer to connecting with the Alder Fire. Firefighters will scout the northern side of the fire for interior control features to utilize to limit growth. Structure protection will continue in Bear Gulch and along Highway 73 and crews will conduct burnouts if conditions are favorable.
Trail Creek
Size: 35,111 Acres
Containment: 0%
Location: 20 miles west of Wisdom, MT
Start Date: July 8, 2021
Cause: Lightning
Total personnel: 180
Trail Creek Fire: Work will continue with handline construction and heavy equipment mastication of fuels with approximately 4 miles of prep remaining along the Lost Trail Road. The Structure Group will improve protection measures in and around communities and firefighters remain available for Initial Attack responsibilities as needed.
Black Mountain
Size: 1,038 Acres
Containment: 0%
Location: 13 miles south of Jackson, MT
Start Date: July 17, 2021
Cause: Lightning
Total personnel: 74
Black Mountain Fire: Crews and heavy equipment will continue to prep, hold and improve indirect line and patrol the fire perimeter. Fire has not impacted the community near Skinner Meadows or its related infrastructure. Minimal fire activity is anticipated today.
Weather: Significant monsoonal moisture is expected beginning today, which will bring increased moisture to the fire area. Temperatures will cool into the 70’s as a weather pattern change approaches bringing relative humidities of 30-40%, thunderstorm activity and flash flood potential.
Major Closures:
Hwy 43 and Pioneer Byway remain open. Motorists are asked to slow down and be on the alert for firefighters, heavy smoke, and downed trees. Please check the Montana DOT Road Report website for current conditions.
Continental Divide Trail: Closed from Lemhi Pass north to Mussigbrod Creek.
Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice.
North and South VanHouten, Miner Lakes, Twin Lakes, May Creek and Divide Bridge Campgrounds are closed.
Forest Closure orders are in effect for all three fires.
Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF: Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF Closures
Salmon-Challis NF: Salmon-Challis NF Closures
Smoke: Montana air quality alert for Beaverhead County:
Idaho air pollution forecast for Lemhi County:
Stage 2 Fire Restrictions are in effect for SW Montana:
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect for Central ID:
Beaverhead County Sheriff has Stage 1 Evacuation Orders in effect for Alder Creek Communi-
ty, Southside of Hwy 43 from Alder Creek Road to Dickie Bridge, and the westside of Pioneer Scenic Byway from airport to Harriet Lou Road Beaverhead Sheriff. Lemhi County Sheriff has contacted residences in threatened areas on the west side of the Trail Creek Fire in Idaho and placed in “Set” evacuation status. Info: 208-756-8980.