The University of Montana Western Foundation is pleased to announce that Joelnell Momberg and Darcy Walker have been awarded the 1970s Western Montana College (WMC) Alumni Scholarship for 2022-23.
To be awarded this scholarship, students must hold at least a 3.0 GPA and have a relative that is an alumni of the University of Montana Western. Each student will be awarded a $500 scholarship for the 2022-23 academic year.

The 1970s WMC Alumni Scholarship has been providing students with financial support since 2019. Starting as a conversation between alumni Wally Feldt and Tom Tucker in 2018, the idea quickly developed into establishing a scholarship that would begin a legacy of providing financial support for students and honoring the institution that was instrumental in shaping their lives and the lives of many others who attended Western Montana College in the 1970s (now the University of Montana Western).
University of Montana Western Foundation Director, Roxanne Engellant, was able to guide their efforts in establishing the scholarship by helping to define the award parameters, reaching out to other alumni, and creating the process for how their group of donors could be involved annually in the selection of the scholarship recipients.
“This scholarship is so special not only because of the impact it has on our students but because of the collaborative efforts of so many Western graduates from the 1970s who have made it possible. Their desire to make a difference for future generations of Montana Western students is inspiring and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with all of them,” said Engellant.
After 3.5 years of fundraising and the generosity of the donors, the group has endowed their scholarship with a core group of 38 donors. Every donor that has contributed any amount to the scholarship fund is eligible to participate in the annual selection of the scholarship recipients.

The 1970s WMC Alumni Scholarship would like to thank all of our generous donors for making this scholarship possible:
Char Ford Aasheim
Rick Borden
Dale Chamberlain
Karyle Contway
Mary Nelson Davidson
Cindy Smith Eccleston
Wally Feldt
Lyn Gallik
Dennis Gibson
Patty Haynes Gibson
Jane McGimpsey Haker
Betti Christie Hill
Kathryn Morrison Isham
Cynthia Jacobsen
Glen Johnson
Colleen Kesterson
Janet Kochis
Vickie Fourtner Lansing
Max Lapham
Glen Larum
Lois Bradshaw McCready
Gary Milam
Reene’ Hamer Milam
Robert (Mike) Miller
John Musgrove

Steven Opheim
Kent Paulson
Mel Rice
Sandy Felton Rice
Barb Briney Ridgway
Linda Willoughby Rosin
Terry Rosin
Donna Rouse
Bill Schlepp
Dave Scott
Terry Souhrada
Tom Tucker
Doug Watson
Previous Recipients
2019-20 Academic Year – $500 scholarship awarded to Charli Weatherbee
2020-21 Academic Year – $500 scholarship awarded to Adrianna Pittman
2021-22 Academic Year – $500 scholarship awarded to Loran Murphy
Donations by Year
August-December 2018: $3,995
January-December 2019: $4,425
January-December 2020: $7,460*
January-December 2021: $10,989*
*Includes a single donation of $5,000

Going forward, the 1970s WMC Alumni Scholarship has proposed a new goal of awarding two $1,000 scholarships. To reach this goal, they encourage alumni from the classes of the 1970s to consider contributing a donation to further the legacy of making a difference for students at Montana Western and to invite any past donors to consider another donation or to become a recurring donor. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting current and future Bulldogs.
For more information, please contact UMW Foundation Director, Roxanne Engellant ( or 406-683-7305).