First weekend in August and a lot of fewer things to do, thanks to COVID. Still a few events hanging on for those looking for something to do. Also don’t forget if you go to the great outdoors be careful with your campfires.
Friday August 7th
Tai Chi (free classes) 9:30 AM – 10:20 AM Free Tai Chi classes continue. Please practice social distancing.
Annual Community Lab Screening Event In August 7:15 AM – 12 PM Choose Prevention—Over Cure
It’s simple: Preventative lab screenings can save your life. Barrett Hospital & HealthCare wants to make it as easy as possible for you to get the screenings you need.
Join us for our annual Community Lab Screening event held August 3rd through August 14th.
WHEN: Monday - Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Hospital Location Only
•No appointment is necessary, walk-in anytime Monday-Friday from 7:15 a.m.-12:00 noon.
•Easy access: Lab screenings conveniently located at Barrett Hospital.
•A provider’s order is not needed to obtain lab screenings.
•Payment by cash, check or credit card is required at the time of service.
• Results become part of your electronic medical record, available through MyChart or they will be mailed directly to you.
Lab Screening Tests and Their Cost
Complete Metabolic Panel $16.00
Lipid Panel $15.00
Vitamin D $25.00
Insulin $16.00
A1C $15.00
TSH $23.00
CBC $15.00
Hepatitis C Screening (HCV Ab) $25.00
CRP $22.00
C-Peptide $19.00
Vitamin B12 $21.00
Blood Type & Rh (ABO & Rh) $25.00
Magnesium $12.00
PSA $23.00
Ferritin $20.00
Iron $13.00
Uric Acid, Blood $10.00
HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab 4th Gen $20.00
Free Yoga in the Garden 12 PM – 1 PM Free gentle yoga in the garden, taught by yoga instructor, Joan Hendrickson. Enjoy the beautiful creekside setting, and living things growing all around. Children welcomed.
Dyce Creek Mahogany Project Aug 7 at 5 PM – Aug 9 at 12 PM
Beaverhead Mule Deer Chapter Mahogany Project
The Beaverhead MDF Chapter would like to invite you to a field day Friday August 7 - Sunday August 9.
Friday, August 7 - Evening - Campout
Saturday, August 8 - 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM with Lunch Break at 12:00 PM.
Potluck to follow work party on Saturday Evening - Potluck Style:Last name A-N, Bring Dessert, Last Name M-Z bring a salad.
Sunday, August 9 - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Finish up odds and ends and clean up.
The Location- Road will be flagged
The UTM's for the worksite are Zone 12 E:339376, N:5017908 and the camp site is on West Fork Dyce Creek at E:337244, N:5016769. You can access the worksite off HWY 278 via Taylor Creek road to Red Butte Rd #1876- approx 4.5 miles.
For camping take HWY 278 to Taylor Creek Road at the top of Badger Pass to BLM Rd #1878 to the West Fork of Dyce Creek and turn left on Rd #1879 to the UTM's provided. approx 4.5 miles from Taylor Cr Rd.
A combination of factors has played against mule deer populations, but a crucial piece of the mule deer’s winter food supply, mahogany, has been a critical player. We will be cutting Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and juniper that grow much faster than mahogany. And as they grow, their canopies can also block out the sun and choke out the mahogany. The species is shade-intolerant, meaning it will die if it doesn’t get copious amounts of sunlight. When it’s infringed upon by an overstory of conifers that block out the sun, it withers away.
Please respond if you are able to attend.
Items Needed- Gloves, loppers, pruning shears,
Ryan Nagle 509-939-0185
Cory Creighton 406-660-0518
Kelly Bocktin 406-683-8000
Saturday August 8th
Dillon Farmers' Market 9 AM – 1 PM Hand made and home grown local specialties offered by up to 20 vendors.
High Country Harmony 7 PM – 9 PM Bannack State Park proudly Presents High Country Harmony!
Saturday August 8th @ 7:00pm
Located at the pavillion
Debi Zohner and Angie Hurley met in Bannack nearly 30 years ago and have been making music together ever since. The duo, High Country Harmony, has recorded 2 CDS and enjoy singing old time hymns and cowboy songs.
They will be singing the sweetest music this side of heaven, your favorite cowboy, folk, and gospel songs.
Plenty of space for social distancing!
Sunday August 9th
Madison County Youth Rodeo 10 AM – 5 PM This SW Youth Rodeo is one of the best in the west! We have lots of age groups, lots of events and lots of prizes including snow cone tickets and cash payouts for the kiddos!
As always if you have an event coming up please email us at we will put it on our event calendar and if it’s on the weekend we will include it in the Weekend Rundown for free.
