The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Infrastructure Advisory Commission is pleased to announce the opening of a second round of competitive grants for water and sewer infrastructure grants. The second round opened today, Oct 5, 2021 and closes January 14, 2022. In addition, the Commission will be allocating $10 million in ARPA water and sewer infrastructure funds to eligible agricultural irrigation specific projects. Go to grants.dnrc.mt.gov for more information.
The ARPA Infrastructure Advisory Commission will meet Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 10 a.m. in the State Capitol. The meeting will be held in Room 152 as well as virtually, and livestreamed at https://leg.mt.gov/audio-video/. Click the “Streaming For Today” button. Please email dnrarpa@mt.gov by 8 a.m., Monday, October 18; if you would like to join the meeting via Zoom.

During the October 19 meeting, the Commission will review Minimum Allocation Grants and receive updates on Departmental ARPA Water & Sewer Grant activities as well as review the new ARPA Section 604 guidance for funding Capital Projects.
Public comments or letters of support regarding a specific project application can be e-mailed to dnrarpa@mt.gov or submitted in the Public Comment Form at https://arpa-mtdnrc.hub.arcgis.com/pages/commission-meetings.

The Infrastructure Advisory Commission is responsible for review of applications for water and sewer grants and state capital projects using American Recover Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Commission members must certify that the projects are necessary investments in water and sewer infrastructure, or a qualifying capital project as defined in ARPA. Their recommendations are submitted to the governor for consideration.

Infrastructure Commission members include: Sen. Doug Kary, R-Billings; Sen. Mike Cuffe, R-Eureka; Sen. Ellie Boldman, D-Missoula; Rep. Dan Bartel, R-Lewistown; Rep. Sue Vinton, R-Billings; Rep. Jim Keane, D-Butte; Amanda Kaster, Director, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; Chris Dorrington, Director, Department of Environmental Quality; and Rachel Meredith, Council to Governor Greg Gianforte. The new ARPA Commissions Director is Scott Mendenhall, replacing Mike Foster.